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Ottoman Vs SDK Comparison

This document outlines subtle differences between Ottoman and Node.js SDK and also demonstrate the value proposition (advantages) that Ottoman brings over Node.js SDK.

Value Proposition (Benefits)

Data Quality

Defining structure to data, validating data and enforcing constraints using lightweight code patterns.


Open Source, secure, fully supported, less maintenance overhead, less infrastructure Affordability, extensible and can work with any Javascript or Typescript native application.


Be a leader in your space, build and deliver applications quickly and timely. Spend your time solving business problems rather than coding.


Don't need specialized skills, all you need is to know JavaScript or TypeScript and you are good to go.

Supportability and Sustainability

Leave the burden of scanning and patching the software for security vulnerabilities on us. Get constant software updates to align with server releases and get full support from our support team and large developer community.

Affordability, Adaptability, Supportability and Sustainability are available by default across all features in Ottoman.

FeatureOttomanNodeJS SDKBenefitsDescription
Schema, Constraints and Models🚫Data QualityEnables end users to control document shape.
Validators and Custom Data-Type🚫Data QualityEnsures data accuracy.
Reference Types and Populate🚫Data QualityProvides means to automagically refer and populate referenced documents.
Scopes and collectionsData QualityOrganize data enabling multi-tenancy and microservices.
Certificate AuthenticationData QualitySets up a secure channel between the application and the Couchbase server.
Document Expiry (TTL)Data QualityEnsures documents get removed from a collection post expiry set.
Model Methods
🚫AgilityProvides methods to easily access documents.
Bootstrapping🚫AgilityEstablishes the connection, issues command to create scopes, collection and build indexes.
Audit Fields (Timestamp)🚫AgilityAuto enables auditing of fields.
Refdoc Index🚫Data QualityEmpowers co-existence of non-key unique values.
Typescript, Javascript, Generics supportAdaptability, AffordabilityWritten and supported in Javascript and Typescript.
Hooks🚫Agility, Data QualityAsynchronous middleware components that perform actions before and after a document is mutated.
Plugins🚫AgilityReusable components that can be exported and used across multiple schemas.
Immutable🚫Agility, Data QualityEnsures certain data fields remains unchanged.
LeanN/AAgility, AffordabilitySave on resources when data Quality is not a concern.
Management API
AgilityImprove tests provide basic functions to drop buckets,scopes and collections.
Query Builder🚫AgilityBuild, test and execute N1QL queries via Javascript and Typescript.
Bulk Operations🚫AgilityProvides means to mutate multiple documents in a single operation.
QueryAgility, Data QualityEnables document to be accessed via Couchbase N1QL Query.
SearchAgilityAllow full-text-search
Analytics🚫N/ACurrently not available in Ottoman 2.0.
Field Level Encryption🚫N/ACurrently not available in Ottoman 2.0.
Subdocument Operations🚫N/ACurrently not available in Ottoman 2.0.
MapReduce Views🚫N/ACurrently not available in Ottoman 2.0.
TransactionsACIDperform multi-document ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable) database transactions